BLOG – Martial Arts Life Skills # 4

September 22, 2020
Today we continue the discussion about Martial Arts Life Skills, and their importance to – the individual, the family, and the community.
Number 4: MANNERS
MANNERS ties together nicely with one of our previous values – Respect. Bringing up children with good manners is something important to many families. Having the next generation of teens and adults grow up with good manners can only be a good thing right?
🥋The trifecta that looks to be developed and nurtured through Martial Arts include:
✅Showing KINDNESS to others in class by working cooperatively. Something as simple as handing equipment to your partner rather than throwing it at them shows kindness. Students also show kindness in their interactions. By working cooperatively in partners or in groups, by helping other students learn their grading syllabus, and by the emphasis of anti bullying behaviour.
✅Showing CONSIDERATION to others by treating your classmates and partners the way you want to be treated. With partner work and group work being a part of every class, students learn to work with a variety of different people.
✅The days of hardcore training with the authoritarian instructor is mostly over. Students now learn to model their behaviour and attitude from their instructor. As the instructor is POLITE and nurturing, the student learns about the value of communication.
“The hardest job kids face today is learning good manners without seeing any” – FRED ASTAIRE