BLOG – Martial Arts Life Skills # 5

September 27, 2020


Today we continue the discussion about Martial Arts Life Skills, and their importance to – the individual, the family, and the community.

Number 5: ACADEMIC

Learning Martial Arts requires practice, patience, attention, and critical thinking – just to name a few. These requirements are the exact same requirements your child needs at school.

The ACADEMIC side of Martial Arts is often overlooked. Aside from the physical benefits of Martial Arts, students must use their knowledge, critical thinking and understanding to perform their syllabus, as well as their sparring applications. Training in Martial Arts uses brain power – not just muscles.

Martial Arts can help your child to stay focused on tasks, attentive in the classroom, and a role model to others. Over the past few years and across the Primary and Secondary schools, our JAI Black Belts have become School Captains and Vice Captains, SRC Members and Sport Colour Captains.

🥋The Academic trifecta that looks to be developed and nurtured through Martial Arts include:

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit” – ARISTOTLE