Dynamite Duo Represent Australia

September 3, 2016

Mr Jesse and Miss Orlanda have just wrapped up 2 weeks of Training Camp and Competition in Italy and Ireland at the WAKO Junior World Championships. Both have spent many hours training hard for this competition, early morning training, late night training and regular class training to ensure their fitness and skill level would be ready for the international stage.

Both students fought with great skill level. With some bad luck and unfortunate scoring, they both produced outstanding results considering they have not participated in many fights under the WAKO banner.

Mr Jesse:

Continous Sparring

Round 1: Win – Against a much taller opponent

Round 2: Loss – Disqualified when his opponent had to withdraw due to injury (self inflicted injury when his opponent defended a kick. The force of the kick made the gloves cut the face of his opponent. He could not continue with his fight). Protests went unheard and decision not changed.

Kick Light Sparring

Round 1: Loss – Could not continue when a kick to the groin forced Mr Jesse to retire from the match.


Miss Orlanda:

Continuous Sparring

Round 1: Win – Dominant performance

Round 2: Win – Dominant performance (match stopped 10 seconds into the Second round)

Round 3: Loss – Points not being awarded in a one sided scoring match (the match was closer than the judges had indicated and protests went unheard and decision not changed).

Kick Light Sparring

Round 1: Win – Dominant performance

Round 2: Win – Dominant performance match stopped early

Round 3: Win – Dominant performance

FINALS: Loss – By 2 points to a taller more experienced fighter.


An outsanding achievement for our fighters.